We have News! We have News!

We have News!

Be the first to see our new Logo and Website:

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One stop for all your safety production needs

Sneak Peek: New Logo and Website Features:

Protection All-Ways is more than just a safety product supplier, we are a partner for all your packaging and safety supply needs. Our new logo and website reflect our capabilities, and represents our mission to continue being your partner - supplying products as well as valuable insights to save you time and money, and increase workplace safety.

New Website Features:


Save Time - Order Online

Online ordering allows you the option to order your favourite items on the go, and on evenings and weekends - with your already negotiated wholesale prices as applicable!


Request Volume Quotes

See an item online that you could use in bulk? Add items to a quote, and send a quote request!

Try the Quote Feature

Quote request 1e94b437 350f 4f27 80ba 6872f00aeabd


Protection allways feedback images

We'd love your feedback!

The website is still under construction, and we would appreciate your feedback as we complete the upgrades.

Send Feedback


Happy with our Partnership?

As a thank you to our loyal customers - when you refer someone to work with us you'll get a gift card when they place their first order!

Find out More

Protection allways gift card


What Else is New?

User Experience: Our new website is designed with you in mind, making it easier to find the products and information you need.

Streamlined Navigation: Quickly browse our collections and discover products with just a few clicks.

Updated Features: From wholesale accounts to improved product filters, we've added features to help you make informed decisions.

Explore some products:

See what you think of the new navigation!